Sherman alexie biography videos for kids
Christian videos for kids.
Sherman alexie biography videos for kids
Author Sherman Alexie grew up on the Spokane Indian Reservation; much of his work centers around the intersections of mainstream American and tribal culture.
In this part of the NewsHour's series on poets and poetry, Alexie talks about his new book of poetry called "Faces" and his short story collection, "War Dances."
He also reads several poems, including one about his dad, an alcoholic who died early.
"I grew up in that space between my father's enormous potential and everything he did not accomplish. And I think that's what my poems and stories are all about, in some way, even when I'm writing about anything else," he explains.
Sherman alexie biography videos for kids on youtube
This video would be terrific for an English class, or culture lesson.
"I grew up in a storytelling culture, a tribal culture, but also in an American storytelling culture. I was obsessed with TV." - Sherman Alexie
"What inspires a poem for me is usually a moment.
It's often eavesdropping, either listening to people or watchin