Rita haworth biography imdb fuller

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    Hayworth, Rita (1918–1987)

    American actress whose beauty and charisma epitomized Hollywood glamour in the 1940s and 1950s. Name variations: Rita Cansino.

    Name pronunciation: HAY-worth. Born Margarita Carmen Cansino on October 17, 1918, in New York City; stricken with Alzheimer's disease in 1981, lived under care of her second daughter Princess Yasmin Aga Khan until her death on May 14, 1987, in New York City; daughter of Eduardo Cansino and Volga (Haworth) Cansino; attended high school up to ninth grade in Los Angeles; married Edward C.

    Judson, in 1936 (divorced 1942); married Orson Welles, on September 7, 1943 (divorced); married Ali Shah Khan, in 1949 (divorced 1953); married Dick Haymes, in 1953 (divorced 1955); married James Hill, on February 2, 1958 (divorced 1961); children: (with Welles) Rebecca Welles ; (with Ali Shah Khan) Yasmin Aga Khan .


    (as Rita Cansino) Under the Pampas Moon (1935); (as Rita Cansino) Dante's Inferno , 1935; (as Cansino) C