Pei ken hung biography

  • Pei ken hung biography
  • Ken hung cheuk lap...

    I am an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

    Pei ken hung biography

  • Ken hung biography
  • Ken hung cheuk lap
  • Wu cai lian er
  • Ken hung dramawiki
  • This is my curriculum vitae.

    My research interests are geometric analysis, general relativity, and statistical physics.



    Department of Mathematcis,  University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    Office: Altgeld 308


    • Determinantal structures for Bessel fields, with L.

      Benigni andX. Wu, to appear on Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré. (2024+)

    • Boundary Behavior of Compact Manifolds With Scalar Curvature Lower Bounds and Static Quasi-Local Mass of Tori with A. Alaee and M. Khuri, to appear on Proc.

      Amer. Math.

      Ken hung biography

      Soc. (2024+)

    • Inverse mean curvature flow with singularities with B. Choi, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN. (2023)

    • The positive energy theorem for asymptotically hyperboloidal initial data sets with toroidal infinity and related rigidity results with A.

      Alaee and M. Khuri, Comm. Math. Phys. (2022).

    • A Minkowski inequality for