Ethan allen revolutionary war biography

  • Ethan allen revolutionary war biography
  • Ethan allen revolutionary war biography

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    Ethan Allen, popularly known as the Founder of the State of Vermont, was born in Litchfield, Connecticut, on January 10, He was a flamboyant folk hero of Vermont, who organized Green Mountain Boys during the American Revolutionary War, and together with Colonel Benedict Arnold captured Fort Ticonderoga in May Later while invading the British colony of Canada with Colonel John Brown, Allen was captured on September , and was held as prisoner for two years in England and New York before finally being exchanged in

    Back with the Patriots, he was immediately honored with the brevet rank of colonel in the Continental Army.

    He came back to Vermont and was given the honor of major general of Vermont. Allen, his family, friends and supporters made significant contribution to the early history of Vermont. Allen tried statehood for Vermont by petitioning the Continental Congress.

    After Congress denied permission, he directly negotiated with the British for Vermont and hence was accused immed