Sennur kaya biography books

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    Sennur kaya biography books list...

    Sennur Ulukus

    Book Chapters

    1. M. Bastopcu, B. Buyukates, and S. Ulukus, Age of Information in Source Coding. In Age of Information: Foundations and Applications, N.

      Pappas, M. A. Abd-Elmagid, B. Zhou, W. Saad, H. S. Dhillon, Eds., Cambridge Univ.

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    8. Press, 2022.

    9. A. Arafa, S. Feng, J. Yang, S. Ulukus, and H. V. Poor, Age Minimization in Energy Harvesting Communications. In Green Communications for Energy-Efficient Wireless Systems and Networks, H. A. Suraweera, J.

      Yang, A. Zappone, J. S. Thompson, Eds., The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), 2020.

    10. P. Mukherjee, R. Tandon and S. Ulukus, Physical-Layer Security with Delayed, Hybrid, and Alternating Channel State Knowledge.

      Sennur kaya biography books free

      In Information Theoretic Security and Privacy of Information Systems, R. F. Schaefer, H. Boche, A. Khisti, and H. V. Poor, Eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, 2017.

    11. R. Bassily and S. Ulukus, Relaying and Physical Layer Security.

      In Advanced Relay Technologies in Next Generation Wireless Commu